Category: 桑拿会所

  • 广州本地SPA养生体验





    1. 广州高端男士SPA会所


    2. 【晚欲雪】高端私人会所


    3. 凤凰男士SPA会所


    4. 广州男士SPA水疗休闲会所



    1. 红酒浴:红酒浴具有美容养颜、促进血液循环等功效,让您在沐浴过程中感受身心愉悦。

    2. 瑜伽:瑜伽有助于提高身体柔韧性、增强心肺功能,让您在练习过程中释放压力。

    3. 香薰:香薰能够舒缓神经、改善睡眠,让您在香气中放松身心。

    4. 按摩:专业的按摩师为您缓解肌肉疲劳、促进血液循环,让您在舒适中恢复活力。



  • 广州肥胖按摩师





    1. 强大的力量:肥胖按摩师拥有强大的力量,能够深入肌肉,有效缓解肌肉疲劳。在按摩过程中,他们能够精准把握力度,让顾客在舒适的状态下享受按摩。

    桑拿2. 良好的手感:肥胖按摩师的手部皮肤柔软且有弹性,能够为顾客带来更加舒适的按摩体验。他们丰富的经验,使得按摩手法更加娴熟,让顾客在按摩过程中感受到专业的呵护。

    3. 亲和力:肥胖按摩师往往具有亲和力,容易与顾客建立良好的关系。他们热情、开朗的性格,让顾客在按摩过程中感受到温馨的氛围。


    1. 缓解疲劳:在现代社会,人们的工作压力越来越大,身体逐渐出现疲劳。肥胖按摩师凭借强大的力量和丰富的经验,能够有效缓解肌肉疲劳,帮助顾客恢复活力。

    2. 改善睡眠:肥胖按摩师通过按摩,能够缓解顾客的焦虑情绪,帮助改善睡眠质量。对于长期失眠的顾客,他们更是具有独特的疗效。

    3. 促进血液循环:按摩过程中,肥胖按摩师的手法能够促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢。这对于预防和改善高血压、高血脂等疾病具有积极作用。

    4. 改善体型:肥胖按摩师在按摩过程中,能够针对顾客的局部脂肪进行按摩,帮助燃烧脂肪,达到减肥的目的。



    1. 研发新型按摩器材:肥胖按摩师们与科研机构合作,研发出一系列新型按摩器材,如按摩床、按摩椅等,为顾客提供更加便捷的按摩体验。

    2. 开发个性化按摩方案:针对不同顾客的需求,肥胖按摩师们制定个性化的按摩方案,确保每位顾客都能享受到最适合自己的按摩服务。


  • 广州桑拿交流网






    1. 专业性:广州桑拿交流网拥有一支专业的编辑团队,对桑拿行业有深入的了解。论坛内容严谨、客观,为广大消费者提供可靠的桑拿信息。

    2. 全面性:论坛涵盖了广州、东莞、深圳等地各大桑拿场所,为消费者提供丰富的选择。同时,论坛还提供了桑拿技巧、桑拿体验等实用信息,帮助消费者更好地享受桑拿。

    3. 互动性:广州桑拿交流网鼓励用户积极参与论坛讨论,分享自己的桑拿经验。用户可以在这里结识志同道合的朋友,共同探讨桑拿心得。

    4. 便捷性:论坛提供手机版和微信版,方便用户随时随地获取桑拿信息,交流心得。


    1. 独家资讯:广州桑拿交流网与多家桑拿场所保持紧密合作关系,第一时间发布最新桑拿资讯,让消费者不错过任何优惠活动。
    2. 用户口碑:论坛用户众多,口碑良好。许多消费者在体验过论坛推荐的桑拿场所后,纷纷表示满意。

    3. 专业指导:论坛内有资深桑拿达人,分享桑拿技巧和心得,帮助消费者更好地享受桑拿。

    4. 个性化服务:广州桑拿交流网根据用户需求,提供个性化桑拿推荐,满足不同消费者的需求。



  • 广州先生按摩技师图片








    1. 亲切沟通:技师在按摩前会与客人进行亲切的沟通,了解客人的需求和期望,以便提供更贴心的服务。

    2. 专业手法:技师们掌握多种按摩手法,如推、拿、揉、捏、点等,能够有效缓解疲劳、舒缓肌肉紧张。

    3. 环境舒适:按摩室环境优雅,氛围宁静,让客人能够在轻松的环境中享受按摩。

    4. 贴心小细节:技师会为客人提供热毛巾、冷饮等贴心服务,让客人感受到家的温暖。



    1. 阴阳平衡:技师会根据客人的体质,调整按摩力度和手法,以达到阴阳平衡的效果。

    2. 调理气血:技师在按摩过程中,会注重调理气血,帮助客人改善身体状况。

    3. 预防疾病:技师会根据客人的需求,推荐合适的养生项目,帮助客人预防疾病。



    1. 超级明星服务:技师们会根据客人的需求,提供个性化服务,让客人感受到明星般的待遇。

    2. 全程一对一贴身服务:技师在按摩过程中,全程一对一服务,确保客人得到最舒适的体验。

    3. 互动性强:技师会与客人互动,了解客人的感受,及时调整按摩手法,让客人感受到关爱。


  • 广州哪里SPA体验更佳?















  • 广州芭堤雅桑拿店位置








    1. 客房:芭堤雅桑拿店拥有多种房型,包括标准间、豪华间、总统套房等。客房内设施齐全,空调、电视、宽带网络一应俱全,让您在舒适的环境中享受休闲时光。

    2. 桑拿浴室:店内设有多个桑拿浴室,提供干蒸、湿蒸、冰蒸等多种服务。桑拿浴可以帮助您排除体内毒素,促进血液循环,达到强身健体的效果。

    3. 按摩服务:芭堤雅桑拿店拥有一支专业的按摩师团队,提供泰式按摩、中式按摩、足浴等多种按摩服务。在专业按摩师的手下,您将感受到全身的放松与舒适。

    4. 健身房:店内设有健身房,配备有跑步机、动感单车、哑铃等健身器材,让您在享受休闲的同时,不忘锻炼身体。

    5. 餐饮服务:芭堤雅桑拿店设有餐厅,提供中式、西式、东南亚等美食。在这里,您可以品尝到地道的东南亚美食,感受异国风情。


    1. 芭堤雅SPA:结合泰式按摩、足浴、面部护理等特色项目,让您在短时间内享受到全身心的放松。

    2. 美容护肤:店内设有美容护肤中心,提供面部护理、身体护理、脱毛等美容服务,让您在享受休闲的同时,美丽自己。
    3. 热石按摩:采用天然火山岩石制成的热石,配合专业按摩师的手法,为您带来独特的按摩体验。



  • Shouting is getting louder and louder, and the people have already moved physically. It is because many people in the hospital have been arrested, and Xiaobai is too fierce to bring people, so there is no horse to start.

    "Don’t back up the gun."
    Wu mercenary company officer pointed a gun at the spirit outside the hospital and shouted nervously.
    The people in the surrounding streets are gathering more and more, and the road has been completely blocked.
    An officer shouted at the gun outside the courtyard, "Back off!"
    "What do you pack? This is Sichuan government. You try to shoot me? !”
    "Mom did it with them!"
    People crowded and moved to the courtyard.
    a storied building
    Mr. Suo was pressed and looked up at Xiaobai and said, "It seems unlikely that you want to go out from the distant mountains with just a few hundred people."
    Small white cold face swept his one eye "fuck your mother who told you I was going out? Huh? !”
    Mr. Sawyer looked at him with a gloomy face and smiled coldly. There was no reply.
    Outside the corridor, an officer ran in and stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Bai aside. He said in a hurry, "People are gathering a little fast. There are thousands of people outside, so we can’t go."
    Xiaobai frowned and was silent.
    "We’re going to be suffocated. There’s a call from Nanmu. The chips in both hands are almost the same." The officer asked, "What do you think?"
    Small white turned to look at Mr. Sawyer and others "mama a b force me? Ok, I’ll let you force it! "
    in ten minutes
    Forty soldiers dragged the core personnel of three families and two companies out of the main building.
    A dozen people were staggered to pull the neck and yelled.
    "What are you doing? !”
    "What are you doing? !”
    The man who was drag out roared in panic.
    At the front door, Xiao Bai rushed out with a gun and shouted at the outside of the hospital while walking, "Tell me to tell you to fuck you!"
    Xiao Bai pulled the gun at a dozen people and shouted "Take a step back"
    Forty soldiers fell back at once.
    "Dadada …!"
    The small white muzzle is pulled into a straight line, and a shuttle bullet can stamp a foot on a dozen distant mountains, which can make the big part of the earthquake chug.
    Instantly, it was quiet outside the hospital.
    "Fuck you, pay attention to the play!" Xiao Bai stared at the outside and shouted, "If you howl again, I will kill a batch in ten minutes until it is clean."
    Chapter 1357 Temporary adjustment and deployment
    More than a dozen bodies in the compound of the defense team in the distant mountains were beaten and broken, lying in a bloody state.
    The small white compound looked at the soldier with an expression on his face and shouted, "I’ll fucking shoot you if you cross the line by building fortifications at the front and back doors."
    "Loud …!"
    Dozens of soldiers at the front and back doors shot at the sky and pushed forward together.
    "Get the fuck back or I’ll shoot the people inside!"
    The soldiers pushed the crowd forward to the outside of the compound, and then reloaded the pickup truck to block the door and the explosion-proof steel plate to protect the two sides to build a simple fortification.
    People outside the hospital dare not act rashly for the time being because of the arrest of the two major companies of the UNPROFOR, Mr. Sawyer and the Wangs.
    Xiaobai changed the magazine and glanced around coldly. The people turned around and returned directly to the main building. The people looked at this young but extremely cruel young cub, and his mother was a little shaky. This man killed whoever he said regardless of the consequences, and whoever fought with him first might be unlucky first.
    a storied building
    Xiaobai wiped her face with blood and dialed Qin Yu’s number with words.
    "Brother UNPROFOR, I brought three big families and two big companies, and none of the people who can speak here ran away." Xiaobai walked quickly to the building. "That Mr. Suo is kneeling on the floor now."
    "What is your own situation now?" Qin yuwen
    "More than 30 people were injured in death and attrition, and dozens of teams just joined and haven’t pointed it out yet." Xiao Bai answered.
    Qin Yu was also very sorry to hear this. Although these people are not his soldiers, they are Wu Tianyin, the Russian region. They have traveled thousands of miles to support them, but so many people can’t go back.
    There is no undead in the war. Qin Yu’s northwest line has already felt it personally. He slowed down for a while and immediately adjusted his state and asked, "Are you easy to get out there?"
    "It’s a little troublesome that people have surrounded the defense compound. There are a lot of people. Although I can hold them down for the time being, once I want to run, no one knows what they can do." Xiaobai truthfully replied, "I am now at the very most capable of carrying guns, and the number is about 300. It’s too small."
    Qin Yu thought about "You are waiting for me there"
    Voice down two people ended the call.
    Heavy north side of the gun gun bursts with heavy self-defense forces also Wu mercenary group from Tibet to private armed fighting.

  • Is it rude of you to be generous and ignore it, but it has inspired the pride of zombie beauties and everyone is dating?

    As the two men continued to explore the past, all the thoughts of zombie beauty suddenly gathered together and slammed forward.
    On the individual strength, Gourdain and Tepp may be very strong, but the zombie beauty and the two have suffered a little.
    Qi qi a stuffy hum two people back several steps, this just hold the figure and they leaned out thoughts wave was being bounced back.
    Seeing a good play in the square, the friar was especially angry with the two men, and the friar burst into laughter.
    I’m waiting for Sun Haona Wei to laugh wildly and stir up a skeleton, which makes people worry about whether it will fall apart.
    Chapter DiErQi Awkward moment
    Gourdain pulled the reins and sat on the armored horse. He roared and lived firmly and updated the fastest.
    Trapp-style body, a few tumbling bats bent on one knee and floated to the ground.
    It’ s so good to die. He just laughed wildly after landing. Na Wei’ s face suddenly became pale and bloodless, and his face became angry from embarrassment. His mouth suddenly yelled, "I don’ t know if I live or die. Do you want to fight?"
    Na Wei’s smile came to an abrupt end and her mouth opened and she said without weakness, "It’s strange that Grandpa, I, smile happily, are you too lenient?"
    Tepp drinks "If you miss today, I will let you die when you meet me in the wild."
    Na Wei said coldly, "Do blood families like to brag? Tenas hangs a blood relative. Can’t you think of hanging another one in the domain of death? "
    Ordinary skeletons are really afraid of the blood clan to deter Na Wei, but the real bone ancestors are really not afraid.
    Accustomed to waiting for races to see their sense of fear, Navid now contradicts them a few times. She flew into a rage and roared, "There is a kind of one-on-one fight that even stars are not skeletons and dare to be rampant in front of me."
    Na Wei also yelled back "The star is amazing? My friend or twelve stars lit up the sky lanterns. Can you do it? "
    It’s not illegal to brag!
    Trapp type know this guy bragging face a face livid with anger.
    At this time, sitting on the deathless throne, the king of death is stunned and said, "Wait, two, don’t make so much noise. What did I hear just now? Dear nephew, you said to light the sky lamp and the ground lamp? Twelve stars? Your friend? "
    He really didn’t pay much attention to these details, and when he reported the information, he didn’t give any extra emphasis, so he just skimmed it.
    Gourdain, who was riding a horse, suddenly looked at Na Wei with a stay and a le horse.
    Tepp coldly said, "Is it possible for you, King of God? This small is just bragging. "
    Corleone didn’t expect that things would be dragged to his body and he couldn’t help but shrug his shoulders and stretch out his hand to Na Wei.
    Na Wei gave Sun Hao a very sorry look and said, "The King of God has information in his hand. You can see if my friend Yin Xiaohao knows it at a glance."
    Yin Xiaohao!
    No, the god of death moved, so he found Yin Xiaohao. At first glance, it was really twelve stars.
    Light up the twelve-star potential of the earth lamp!
    At the same time, I saw the color picture of Yin Xiaohao!
    Well, no, the king of death is really rigid when he suddenly does things in vain. He is really a stiff family. There is no extra focus on such important news. He is also drunk.
    The body is slightly shocked, and the king of death slowly straightened up from the throne. The stalwart body is like a throne blooming with majestic sounds. If Hong Zhong resounds through the sky, "It’s amazing that there are really twelve stars that can really light up the sky lanterns and the earth lanterns. Xiaohao Hahaha knows you …"
    At this time, Princess Death suddenly lost her face and said, "No, there will be colorful visions in Yin Xiaohao’s pictures. How lewd you are to become like this!"
    As soon as this sentence was exported, Sun Hao suddenly felt his face turned red!
    It’s a little embarrassing!
    Monks qi qi gave Sun Hao a strange expression.
    Dude, you’re here to choose a husband, and you’re a sex maniac, which makes people stiff. How can a beautiful woman choose you?
    Stiff thinking may also be the habit of stiff ethnic groups. As soon as Sun Hao heard the words of Princess Death, he instantly perceived that at least half of the stiff ethnic beauties opposite him showed their disgust expressions.
    Sun Hao came here to find his own Taoist partner and look up some information about the undead domain to participate in this selection, but it was only because Michael had to marry him, but I really didn’t expect such embarrassing moments to occur
    With a wry smile on his face, Sun Hao arched his mouth with his hands and said, "I’m flattered by the princess. Xiaohao does have many lovers. If the princess thinks it’s wrong, I’m willing to quit this election."
    No, the king of death laughed. "It’s okay, it’s okay, Princess. No, you can take a concubine if you have a chance. You are a good man. You should be bold. I support you. I think you will be able to find the right one …"
    Twelve-star qualification, that’s right. It’s necessary to develop well, but it’s just that outstanding talents like the immortal bodhi old zu should stay anyway
    No, the king of death has considered that the noble descendant should keep this rare talent.
    The ghost body is just right!
    The ghost means that there is not much background behind it, and there is a great chance to become a real stiff monk. This must be left.
    No, Princess Death pouted and didn’t speak. She acquiesced in the opinion of King Death.
    Sun Hao glanced at the stiff beauties in front and sighed and said, "God king, forget it. I’m here to live in Miha. Now Miha doesn’t even choose among them. How can I choose?"
    The monks at the scene stayed together for a while!
    No, Princess Death asked, "Yin Xiaohao, how do you know about Michael?" I bet Miha must be here. Maybe it’s one of them. "
    Sun Hao said very calmly, "There is absolutely no Miha among them, and there is absolutely no mistake. I won’t choose whether they choose or not."
    No, Wang Weiwei, a god of death, glanced around him. Princess Death quacked with laughter. "You saw this all right. I didn’t expect you to see through some people’s tricks at a glance."
    The monks at the scene suddenly looked at each other!
    I can’t listen to the voice of the king of death. Princess Miha is really not right, so I won’t choose the main one myself.
    No, the princess of death frowned slightly and stared at Sun Hao. After half ring, she pointed her finger at Sun Hao. "What is your origin? There is absolutely no ghost hero like you in the stiff ancient books. Check all the information and find out that this person said that you mixed in with my stiff desire? "
    No, the king of death stretched out his hand. "What? No, I have a history, too. No, why don’t you mark one? Wait, let me see. I find you look familiar. Where have we met? "
    No, the memory of such a powerful monk as King Death is absolutely unforgettable. Now, if you look closely at Sun Hao, you can’t see the problem. That’s the real problem.
    Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile and leaned down slightly and said, "The King of God did see the King of God in the past. At that time, the King of God was so proud that the flying Terrans and the powerful monks of the male and female witches had to bow down to the wind."
    No, the king of death suddenly pointed his thick finger at Sun Hao’s mouth and shouted, "But you are a good guy. How did you come to the old undead city?" You’re not? I depend … "
    There are some things that the king of death didn’t say.
    But his shock is quite big. A ferocious mask and a pair of big eyes are about to fall off.
    Sun Hao knows that the king of death has thought about his origin, but the way he appears now may be completely unexpected and he is trying to digest it.

  • "Uh-huh, that’s right. Don’t be fooled by his age. It’s only been a few months, but it’s fierce! Hum let him kill so many people, I give him expired milk. "

    "Won’t Lord Huo Ying blame you?"
    "Of course, Hokage adults don’t blame adults for their sate. This little thing certainly doesn’t know how to die. Let’s talk about it later."
    Chiba can’t help but feel a twinge of chills when she hears clearly. Four generations of bones are not cold, but her only son has been abused in this way. For the sake of protecting Naruto and covering up Kyubi no Youko’s consideration, four generations of Naruto were not announced, even ordinary ninjas in Kyubi no Youko didn’t know.
    Everyone has a hatred for Naruto, and there is no gratitude for Konoha, but I just found a baby to seal Kyubi no Youko.
    Chiba, who was eating noodles, looked up at the two people who were talking about it. It was a forbearance.
    Instant chiba has no appetite at all!
    Stop eating and check out!
    In the disturbing discussion, Chiba left the ramen restaurant and wandered around the street casually.
    Finally walked home.
    This is the most remote corner of Konoha, which is close to the training ground, but far from the center of Konoha and even the top of Konoha.
    When Kyubi no Youko destroyed Konoha, Konoha executives called the heads of all ethnic groups to redraw the area, and everyone’s prime suspect, the Uchibo family, was driven to the most remote place.
    Have a headache
    Shouldn’t Uchihiro be arranged to look at him with his eyes open? It’s very skeptical to drive Uchihiro away with his eyes open.
    It’s just like Chao Cuo’s cutting the Tibetan, isn’t it forcing others to rebel?
    If you divide Uchihiro, how can you rebel and slowly consume it like a thousand-handed family?
    I have to say, the move of Tuan Zang and San Dai stinks.
    Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
    Chiba heard the baby crying and didn’t think much. When he was about to leave, all of a sudden, evil came to his mind.
    "The main line opens the most absolute protagonist-Naruto was abused by Konoha people at first, and the host who was most burdened with restoring the glory of Uchibo should do well with Mingtai at the first time to increase the goodwill of Konoha Village."
    "Turn on the button of taking care of Naruto’s konoha, but don’t even drink fresh milk. Ask the host to feed Naruto’s fresh milk. Take care of Naruto’s reward spiral pills. Refuse to punish him for diarrhea ten times a day and experience the pain of chrysanthemum until he accepts the position."
    Chiba, your sister is so good that your mouth is a pervert.
    "It’s very simple to take care of Naruto and bring him closer, but I don’t know what to think of it."
    After all, you can take care of anyone, but you are a Uchibo.
    Just now, the smoke of the Kyubi no Youko incident has not been finished. It was controlled by kaleidoscope sharingan, and Kyubi no Youko almost destroyed half of the village.
    If you rush to get close to Naruto, will you be secretly cleared up by the suspicion of the three generations of Huo Ying?
    Chiba frowning slightly secretly thinking.
    However, if you don’t accept it every day, you will be punished every day. Since the chest attack, Chiba knows that this hateful shame can do anything.
    Then it’s time to show off a wave of acting skills
    After all, I am still a child but a patient.
    Three generations of caution will not be afraid that a one-year-old child will be kaleidoscope. sharingan will control Kyubi no Youko and destroy Konoha, right?
    "Which child is so noisy! I’m bored to death and I don’t look at it well. "
    Chiba complained a lot about being angry.
    Although he was on crutches, he still couldn’t stop him from jumping through the window with a light meal.
    The secret ninja wears a cute mask, but his eyes are sharp and terrible. When he sees Chiba entering Naruto’s room, he wants to stop it.
    But I restrained my impulse. This is an Uchihiro kid, and there is no threat. If it is an adult, I am afraid I have to come forward.
    And continue to observe that if the other party does anything threatening, even a child will stop it with the possibility of disclosure.
    Chapter 20 Spiral Pills
    It turned out that Chiba was pretending, but when I saw the messy table full of canned milk powder, Chiba picked it up and immediately got really angry and scolded, "It’s all overdue. Who is this to take care of the children’s expired milk powder and feed them?"
    "Now people are too irresponsible."
    Chiba shook her head and left to go to the store to buy a baby to eat milk powder, which is of course the freshest.
    Not very skilled in brewing milk powder and then trying the temperature before giving it to Naruto, a baby.
    Naruto stopped crying with a bottle in his mouth and gulped down.
    After seeing Naruto drinking, Chiba nodded with satisfaction, cleaned up a little garbage and left.
    Secretly observing the dark nodded and didn’t come forward to stop it. Isn’t it estimated that this child doesn’t know the identity of the baby? If he knew it was Kyubi no Youko, he wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about taking care of it.
    However, at this time, it is necessary to report to the three generations that Kyubi no Youko has had a great influence on the village.
    Chiba came home to lie on the surface and rest in bed, but she studied the reward that just appeared in her mind.
    "The reward spiral pill has been distributed, please check it with the host!"
    Spiral Pills, this is A-level Ninjutsu. Injecting more chakra into spiral pills can even upgrade to S-level Ninjutsu.
    This technique, which was inspired by Bijyudama by Namikaze Minato, is extremely destructive.
    The performer must make a seal, which can make one hand and two hands or more. There is no qualitative difference. The difference is the ability of the performer to control chakra. The more hands, the easier it is to gather together. chakra can also make spiral pills with one hand in the late Ming Dynasty.
    The key is Chiba, and there is a powerful ninja.
    I learned door-to-door armor, but it’s not easy to take it out. After all, Kay didn’t teach you how to learn it, and door-to-door armor is an access control technique, which is difficult for ordinary people to steal.

  • All the monks of Fengyun shook their bodies, and Zhenyuan involuntarily poured out and poured into the ship array.

    At this moment, the monks have an illusion that they have become a magnificent giant, and a muscle has poured out a force to rush to the streamer sword of the ship array.
    Corleone’s body suddenly tightened, and he shrugged his hands forward, and suddenly leaned forward and leaned forward. His mouth roared forward, "Go agarwood …"
    Sun Hao once fought the Dragon Family Dragon Boat.
    The agarwood force once scattered large white clouds.
    At this time, the agarwood sword with Sun Hao’s determination to win burst forward again.
    This sword carries Sun Hao’s awareness of winning the magic army.
    This sword brings together all the monks of Fengyun.
    This sword has Sun Hao’s highly condensed spirit.
    This sword is Sun Hao’s sword stab and Jian Rushan’s two kinds of swordsmanship stunts, and at the same time, the sword runs through the sky, the sword collapses and the mountain collapses.
    It is bound to break up the black fog and leave most of the magic army.
    Streamlined agarwood sword blessed a huge ship array. In the true yuan energy, a streamer suddenly cut across the sky, and a black fog dragon boat quickly appeared.
    But at this moment, Sun Hao felt that agarwood sword had changed unexpectedly.
    The speed has reached the extreme, and the weight of the agarwood sword has reached the peak. Sun Hao is confident and determined to collapse a large piece of black fog. At the same time, he suddenly realized that the agarwood sword is so light at this moment.
    As light as a feather!
    And the speed is faster than the agarwood sword. Sun Hao’s knowledge perception has also become unhurried and light.
    Corleone heart slightly surprised instantaneous and white.
    This is a sword feather
    I have been practicing for hundreds of years, but I have not been able to make a sword and feather.
    At this moment, Fengyun’s ship array blessed and pursued the magic repair key, and at that moment, it defeated a large number of magic repairs by itself. In its determination, it finally inspired the agarwood sword, the fourth kind of imperial fencing.
    Then let these demons cultivate their own agarwood swords and become swords for imperial defense! ~^~
    Chapter DiYiEr79 Sword thousands of feathers
    There are heavy and heavy swords, and the front of the sword can collapse. The mountain sword has heavy polarization feathers. Our royal sword is light and has wings and thin hidden machines … Our godsworn sword turns into feathers, and hundreds of billions of cold light rushes to the town of Xinghai.
    Sun Hao heart quickly flashed sword feather tips.
    Sword feather cultivation to the extreme can turn feathers into hundreds of billions of cold light and rush to Xinghai, the town of Yulanglang Feixu.
    But now Sun Hao can do it just to the point of lifting weights easily.
    In Sun Hao’s knowledge, the agarwood sword was so heavy that it became a light feather.
    Sun Hao seemed to see the light agarwood sword flying out of the feather-like sword light.
    Another shock sent out a sword of light.
    In the state of sword feather, Sun Hao shook the aloes sword for five times in a row and sent out five batches of sword light. Only then did he feel that his spirit was relaxed and the aloes sword was exhausted, and his gods rarely felt a little tired.
    Boom a Sun Hao body a slight shock fell out from the sword feather state.
    The whole state quickly returned to normal.
    Then Sun Hao followed his brother and witnessed his own sword feather coming out for the first time and killing the enemy for the first time.
    Just now, the state seemed longer than the magic, but in fact, it was just a moment when Sun Hao fell out and just saw the agarwood sword erupt.
    Like a meteor, it flies over the agarwood sword from the black fog dragon boat and flashes gently.
    As if it were unreal, the aloes sword shook one, two, two, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four
    The sword shadow quivers as if every sword is a real sword. The agarwood sword core is a fan and flies away to the black fog.
    The flying agarwood sword flowed through the place, and the black fog layers collapsed and melted, and the ships appeared.
    Ship inferno warrior panic expression also show out.
    If it’s not shocking that the agarwood sword disappears and melts the black fog, then the next scene will make all the monks of the two ethnic groups tremble.
    Huge inferno ships together with the ships, the inferno monks don’t dodge their faces, and they are frightened. In this way, the inferno monks, together with the sea ships, have lost their aloes and swords.
    Quickly turned into emptiness
    It seems that the monks and ships are made of fine sand, and the strong wind blows and is instantly blown away layer by layer.
    There is no flesh and blood flying without screaming, and the inferno ships and soldiers melt layer by layer in the sword light.
    A wave of sword light went more than a mile, and as soon as the sea surface was clear, even the sea water was plunged into the sword light and deeply melted by more than ten feet.
    Los three driving faucet to indent the depths of the black fog, but the heart is shocked.
    Sun Haosun agarwood, a great naval battle skill, should be beyond the category of lighter, and I don’t know how to describe it.
    For a little while, Luo San also looked at the sea where the sword feather just broke out, and my heart was suddenly surprised.
    The agarwood sword in front sends out the first wave of sword light and then shakes the blade again.
    The second wave of sword light dashed again.
    Is almost attached to the third wave, the fourth wave, The 5th Wave attack successively to the black fog dragon boat.
    And watching the monk’s eyes is Sun Hao directly launched a powerful lighter to launch a big siege of the inferno.
    The graceful agarwood sword incarnated in thousands of moments to form a sword regiment, and after killing a large number of demons, it once again formed a huge Wan Jian sword light, which enveloped a large sea area in the black fog dragon boat.
    Sun Haoqing rang out, "Go sword and feather!"
    The agarwood sword body takes the lead and incarnates thousands of feathers, and the streamer has enveloped a huge sea area and rapidly tilted.
    Black fog melts when the time passes.
    Ship fly ash at the time of streamer passing
    Time flies, demons are terrified.
    Time flies over four or five miles, and the sea surface in Fiona Fang swings.