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    1. 客房:芭堤雅桑拿店拥有多种房型,包括标准间、豪华间、总统套房等。客房内设施齐全,空调、电视、宽带网络一应俱全,让您在舒适的环境中享受休闲时光。

    2. 桑拿浴室:店内设有多个桑拿浴室,提供干蒸、湿蒸、冰蒸等多种服务。桑拿浴可以帮助您排除体内毒素,促进血液循环,达到强身健体的效果。

    3. 按摩服务:芭堤雅桑拿店拥有一支专业的按摩师团队,提供泰式按摩、中式按摩、足浴等多种按摩服务。在专业按摩师的手下,您将感受到全身的放松与舒适。

    4. 健身房:店内设有健身房,配备有跑步机、动感单车、哑铃等健身器材,让您在享受休闲的同时,不忘锻炼身体。

    5. 餐饮服务:芭堤雅桑拿店设有餐厅,提供中式、西式、东南亚等美食。在这里,您可以品尝到地道的东南亚美食,感受异国风情。


    1. 芭堤雅SPA:结合泰式按摩、足浴、面部护理等特色项目,让您在短时间内享受到全身心的放松。

    2. 美容护肤:店内设有美容护肤中心,提供面部护理、身体护理、脱毛等美容服务,让您在享受休闲的同时,美丽自己。
    3. 热石按摩:采用天然火山岩石制成的热石,配合专业按摩师的手法,为您带来独特的按摩体验。



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    1. 美容养生:会所拥有专业的美容师,提供面部护理、身体护理、足疗等服务,帮助顾客改善肌肤状况,缓解疲劳。

    2. 美体塑形:通过专业的美体师指导,结合按摩、瑜伽等运动,帮助顾客塑造完美身材。

    3. 水疗:独特的按摩手法和专业的设备,让顾客在舒适的环境中享受水疗的神奇效果。

    4. 健身:配备先进的健身器材,让顾客在专业教练的指导下,进行有针对性的锻炼。

    5. 餐饮:会所设有高品质的餐厅,提供各类美食,满足顾客的味蕾需求。



    1. 预约优惠:提前预约,可享受8折优惠。

    2. 会员制度:办理会员卡,享受会员专属折扣和服务。

    3. 团体优惠:组织团队活动,可享受团体优惠。



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    2. 美容美体


    3. 水疗养生







  • 广州医院专业推拿助眠服务




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    1. 诊断评估:患者首先接受中医师的诊断评估,了解其失眠原因和体质特点。

    2. 制定方案:根据诊断结果,中医师为患者制定个性化的推拿助眠方案。

    3. 推拿按摩:在专业人员的指导下,患者接受穴位按摩、推拿按摩等治疗。

    4. 中医调理:根据需要,患者接受中药、针灸等中医治疗方法。

    5. 跟踪回访:在治疗过程中,医护人员定期对患者进行跟踪回访,了解治疗效果,调整治疗方案。


    1. 保持手部清洁,力度要轻柔,以免造成不适。

    2. 如在按摩过程中感到剧痛或不适,应立即停止按摩并寻求专业医生的建议。

    3. 按摩可作为失眠的辅助疗法,但对于长期或严重失眠问题,还需就医接受规范诊疗。

    4. 除了按摩穴位,还要养成良好的生活习惯,保持规律作息,营造舒适的睡眠环境。


  • 广州指定社区医院推拿服务








    桑拿1. 专业团队:推拿师均具备专业资质,具有丰富的临床经验,确保服务质量。

    2. 环境舒适:社区医院推拿室环境整洁、舒适,让您在放松身心的同时,享受愉悦的体验。

    3. 设备齐全:社区医院推拿室配备先进的按摩设备,为您的健康保驾护航。

    4. 遵循规范:社区医院推拿服务严格按照国家标准和规范操作,确保安全可靠。


    1. 价格亲民:相比私人按摩店,社区医院推拿服务价格更为实惠,让更多人享受到专业推拿按摩服务。

    2. 专业正规:社区医院推拿服务由专业团队提供,确保服务质量,让您放心享受。

    3. 便捷高效:社区医院推拿服务位于居民区,方便市民就近享受服务。

    4. 人情味服务:社区医院推拿服务注重人文关怀,为患者提供温馨、贴心的服务。


    1. 选择正规社区医院:在选择社区医院推拿服务时,请注意选择正规医疗机构,确保服务质量。

    2. 了解自身情况:在享受推拿服务前,请了解自身健康状况,如有不适,请及时告知推拿师。

    3. 注意卫生:社区医院推拿服务过程中,请保持个人卫生,避免交叉感染。


  • Shouting is getting louder and louder, and the people have already moved physically. It is because many people in the hospital have been arrested, and Xiaobai is too fierce to bring people, so there is no horse to start.

    "Don’t back up the gun."
    Wu mercenary company officer pointed a gun at the spirit outside the hospital and shouted nervously.
    The people in the surrounding streets are gathering more and more, and the road has been completely blocked.
    An officer shouted at the gun outside the courtyard, "Back off!"
    "What do you pack? This is Sichuan government. You try to shoot me? !”
    "Mom did it with them!"
    People crowded and moved to the courtyard.
    a storied building
    Mr. Suo was pressed and looked up at Xiaobai and said, "It seems unlikely that you want to go out from the distant mountains with just a few hundred people."
    Small white cold face swept his one eye "fuck your mother who told you I was going out? Huh? !”
    Mr. Sawyer looked at him with a gloomy face and smiled coldly. There was no reply.
    Outside the corridor, an officer ran in and stretched out his hand to pull Xiao Bai aside. He said in a hurry, "People are gathering a little fast. There are thousands of people outside, so we can’t go."
    Xiaobai frowned and was silent.
    "We’re going to be suffocated. There’s a call from Nanmu. The chips in both hands are almost the same." The officer asked, "What do you think?"
    Small white turned to look at Mr. Sawyer and others "mama a b force me? Ok, I’ll let you force it! "
    in ten minutes
    Forty soldiers dragged the core personnel of three families and two companies out of the main building.
    A dozen people were staggered to pull the neck and yelled.
    "What are you doing? !”
    "What are you doing? !”
    The man who was drag out roared in panic.
    At the front door, Xiao Bai rushed out with a gun and shouted at the outside of the hospital while walking, "Tell me to tell you to fuck you!"
    Xiao Bai pulled the gun at a dozen people and shouted "Take a step back"
    Forty soldiers fell back at once.
    "Dadada …!"
    The small white muzzle is pulled into a straight line, and a shuttle bullet can stamp a foot on a dozen distant mountains, which can make the big part of the earthquake chug.
    Instantly, it was quiet outside the hospital.
    "Fuck you, pay attention to the play!" Xiao Bai stared at the outside and shouted, "If you howl again, I will kill a batch in ten minutes until it is clean."
    Chapter 1357 Temporary adjustment and deployment
    More than a dozen bodies in the compound of the defense team in the distant mountains were beaten and broken, lying in a bloody state.
    The small white compound looked at the soldier with an expression on his face and shouted, "I’ll fucking shoot you if you cross the line by building fortifications at the front and back doors."
    "Loud …!"
    Dozens of soldiers at the front and back doors shot at the sky and pushed forward together.
    "Get the fuck back or I’ll shoot the people inside!"
    The soldiers pushed the crowd forward to the outside of the compound, and then reloaded the pickup truck to block the door and the explosion-proof steel plate to protect the two sides to build a simple fortification.
    People outside the hospital dare not act rashly for the time being because of the arrest of the two major companies of the UNPROFOR, Mr. Sawyer and the Wangs.
    Xiaobai changed the magazine and glanced around coldly. The people turned around and returned directly to the main building. The people looked at this young but extremely cruel young cub, and his mother was a little shaky. This man killed whoever he said regardless of the consequences, and whoever fought with him first might be unlucky first.
    a storied building
    Xiaobai wiped her face with blood and dialed Qin Yu’s number with words.
    "Brother UNPROFOR, I brought three big families and two big companies, and none of the people who can speak here ran away." Xiaobai walked quickly to the building. "That Mr. Suo is kneeling on the floor now."
    "What is your own situation now?" Qin yuwen
    "More than 30 people were injured in death and attrition, and dozens of teams just joined and haven’t pointed it out yet." Xiao Bai answered.
    Qin Yu was also very sorry to hear this. Although these people are not his soldiers, they are Wu Tianyin, the Russian region. They have traveled thousands of miles to support them, but so many people can’t go back.
    There is no undead in the war. Qin Yu’s northwest line has already felt it personally. He slowed down for a while and immediately adjusted his state and asked, "Are you easy to get out there?"
    "It’s a little troublesome that people have surrounded the defense compound. There are a lot of people. Although I can hold them down for the time being, once I want to run, no one knows what they can do." Xiaobai truthfully replied, "I am now at the very most capable of carrying guns, and the number is about 300. It’s too small."
    Qin Yu thought about "You are waiting for me there"
    Voice down two people ended the call.
    Heavy north side of the gun gun bursts with heavy self-defense forces also Wu mercenary group from Tibet to private armed fighting.

  • Liang Junjun, however, fried the pot at this moment and looked at the empty road, which was like the ancient revival of Raytheon. No one could calm down.

    They heard the sound of tiger prison. This man is Zhang Jiao. He looks very ordinary and ugly. He looks like a middle-aged man in his forties, but his white cassock stands in the thunder like a statue of Lei Di!
    For Liang Jun, it’s like a bolt from the blue. Anyone can see at this moment that the strength of the opening angle is definitely the control of the thunder at the level of Yan Chen. This is a monk’s means. It’s obvious that the opening angle is a big monk in the realm of Yuan God!
    Opening angle! Brother yuanshen! ! !
    It’s like a lightning strike on the ground that struck Liang Junshen.
    Chapter 13 showdown
    Zhang Jiao is the great friar of Yuan God!
    This is a thunder. All Liang Jun has changed color at this moment. In his heart, he has a great sense of anxiety and crisis. This kind of anxiety comes from beyond control, not only from controlling things, but also from controlling his own life. Wang Ze’s eyes flashed a panic. Li Yuan’s eyes were a little uneasy. Chen Yan and Huang Zheng’s face became dignified. Xue Gui gritted his teeth.
    "That’s true."
    Chen Gong breath air conditioning although there is speculation in the heart, but now it is still difficult to calm down when you see the opening angle like a ghost. Ning Caichen also has a huge fluctuation in his heart. It was a big BOSS in Nima, but his face was still calm, and there was not much change. Chen Yanze was the first time in the army that his brow showed serious color.
    There was some commotion in the rear Liang Jun, and the strong appearance of the opening angle made many Liang Junyi uneasy.
    "Cheep-""Step, step, step …"
    On the other side, the gate of Tiger Prison is big. That’s Zhang Bao, Liu Shi and others leading the Yellow Scarf Army out of the city and coming towards this side …
    "Da-da … Da-da …" "Woo-woo-""Snoop-Snoop-"
    Stepping on the ground, the war horse screams and the desolate horn rings into a piece. Finally, Zhang Bao led more than 200,000 yellow turban insurrectionary troops. Liang Jun is hundreds of meters apart, which is relatively cold and dull.
    "Chen Yan"
    The accent in the virtual opening angle is not very dull, but it is like thunder. Everyone’s ears explode. His feet stand in the thunder like an ancient statue of Raytheon controlling heaven and earth. There is a general trend that it seems that this figure is left in heaven and earth. His whole person stands in the thunder like a silver snake cutting through a dark night. This world is illuminated.
    "opening angle"
    Yan Yan’s eyes are lifted, and his hair and beard are all white. Although he has entered his later years, no one dares to peek at the burly body, which gives people the feeling that it is like a mountain. Yan Yan’s eyes are bright and clear, and he looks at the virtual opening angle, which seems to have penetrated the virtual world …
    The two armies confronted each other, but no one spoke, because everyone knew that these two talents were the protagonists, and they really dominated the battlefield and decided to die.
    "Liang has decayed. Is a decaying Liang worth guarding? Zhu Ji’s ambition is great, but you can protect Liang Guo for a while … You can also protect Liang Guo I … Look behind me. "The opening angle looked at the yellow turban insurrectionary army behind him." These used to be the main beam people, but today they have gone against Zhu Ji’s road. The water boat can also overturn the boat. Liang Guo’s people’s morale has been exhausted. Don’t you still see that Zhu Ji’s fatuity has lost the main beam people’s morale? Do you want to be enemies of all nations … "
    "Shut up, rebels, thieves, Putian, Murphy, the king leads the land, Murphy, Wang Chener, etc. I dare to make a mess, but now I will give you a lighter sentence."
    Ulrich drinks generate’s eyes and looks at the virtual opening angle with bright light.
    "Jun boat people water can boat can also capsize lyricist don’t you see this day and the people is the root? Zhu Ji’s rule of treacherous court official’s rule against Zhu Ji, when the people are in poverty, is this a popular opinion? Do you want all the people to fight against General Liang Guo? I want to ask you whether you are protecting hundreds of millions of people in Liang Guo or a Zhu Ji. Are you loyal to General Liang Guo and millions of people or are you loyal to General Zhu Jiada? "
    Opening Angle once again let a lot of people face a change, he asked this very whole heart.
    "dong! ……”
    The clouds burst in front of the opening angle, and the thunder was directly erased. It was Chen Yanchen who made a direct shot with his right hand and took it to the opening angle with a huge palm that appeared one hundred meters big.
    "The yellow turban insurrectionary acts against the thief."
    There, the collapse of clouds seems to be empty, and all of them are collapsed by the slap of Ulrich.
    "Arihiko, it seems that you are really going to be enemies of all nations."
    Zhang Jiao’s face remained unchanged, and his left foot stepped backward for an instant and then withdrew hundreds of meters. At the same time, his right hand swung out two bright flashes. Finally, there was a big explosion in the virtual space, and the palms and flashes collapsed. You can see that the clouds in Fiona Fang, a high school, exploded hundreds of meters, and there were white thunder interwoven.
    Chen Yan whistled and flew to the middle.
    In the end, the war broke out, and Chen Yan and Zhang Jiao fought in the virtual middle. This is an intentional confrontation. Only the aftermath can kill ordinary chemical experts. If two people fight in the crowd, it will inevitably be a catastrophe, causing several casualties. This is something that neither of them wants to see …
    Finally, the shadow of Chen Yan and Zhang Jiao disappeared into the clouds, but they could hear the loud noise of the clouds. There were crimson qi and blood running through the heavens and the earth, and there were silver flashes tearing everything apart. It was very visible that dark clouds were blown up and then gathered together.
    In the clouds, Ulrich drinks heavily, and then a fist of one hundred meters appears in the void, punching the dark clouds into a hole of hundreds of meters in Fiona Fang. It seems that this fist has been punched through, and a large flash fist can be seen bursting, but soon the dark clouds gather again to cover the surface.
    No one knows what’s going on inside because both the opening angle and the photo are submerged in the cloud exhibition, but it’s terrible. Sometimes there are scenes that make people change color. The silver-white flashes in the dark clouds are intertwined like thousands of Razers. In the end, nearly a thousand meters of clouds in Fiona Fang have turned into Leihai. But is there a huge palm and fist in Leihai that will make a huge hole in Leihai? It’s vaguely like seeing a giant with indomitable spirit in the clouds …

  • That’s the problem. If you don’t take care of it, it will be flooded, which will make you work hard all year round and starve all over the place. In that case, I will definitely not allow it to happen. "

    Su Yonglin said this and Wei Kexian suddenly raised his hand to signal that he would speak. Su Yonglin nodded to let him speak.
    "A Lang, did you call us here to talk about river management?"
    Su Yonglin’s face was unhappy. "Is it a trivial matter to govern the river? The two big countries are at a loss to manage the river, and they are almost helpless. Every time the Yellow River breaches, thousands and tens of thousands of civilians will be drowned. Is this a trivial matter? "
    "No, no, no, that’s not what I meant."
    Wei Kexian shook his head at once. "I mean, did A Lang talk about harnessing the river?"
    "Of course not"
    Su Yonglin said that many people are nervous again.
    But what Su Yonglin said is still not what they want to hear.
    "Harnessing the river needs a lot of manpower and material resources, and a competent department is needed to handle this matter. It will take three years to achieve initial results from mobilizing the army and millions of people. This is still my best estimate."
    Su Yonglin sighed, "Those ancestors in Zhao Gou couldn’t win the battle, and the Khitan people couldn’t take back Yanyun, so they could toss about their own three easy rivers and destroy Hebei in a big mess. When they left Du Chong in Tokyo in Jingkang, they fled and dug up the Yellow River dam to flood the Central Plains, which directly led to the diversion of the Yellow River and the capture of Huai into the sea today.
    They don’t care about anything with their hands scattered. They leave this rotten stall for the Central Plains people. Now they don’t want to come back to solve the problem. They want to leave Jiangnan for their birthday. The Central Plains people are nothing in their eyes … They don’t care about me. "
    Su Yonglin struck the table and said seriously, "If you want to govern the river, I said that you need a lot of manpower and material resources, the department of expenses, the guidance department and other departments to work together, and the local government needs to cooperate with it. It is not feasible for no one to make overall plans."
    I think that river regulation is a long-term thing, and it can’t be done in just a few months. When the time comes, a large group of people will be temporarily mobilized to take charge. It is better to set up a department responsible for river regulation now and set up the frame first.
    Therefore, I decided to establish a new department responsible for river management, and deploy effective personnel from various departments to enter the river management. People are still attached to the original department, but they will be handled in the new department until the river management is successful. "
    Everyone looked at me, and I thought you didn’t understand what Su Yonglin was doing, so he continued to listen.
    "This new position is different from the general office, and it is not a formal office, but it is almost the same. I am going to personally take charge of the naming revival meeting."
    "Renaissance will? A Lang is personally in charge? "
    At the end of the public comment in succession.
    "Well, the Renaissance Association"
    Su Yonglin nodded. "Since it’s not a formal official name listing, it’s just casual. The name of this revival meeting is, I think we can revive the prosperity of the Central Plains by harnessing the river.
    All of you, however, can come out to me and give it to the Renaissance Association for discussion. After that, I will also arrange for the photographers to set up the Renaissance Association, and then let’s choose the right talents for the whole recovery army to be included in the Renaissance Association.
    In any case, the revival meeting should take out the general plan of river management first, and then the specific work needs to coordinate various personnel to mobilize people’s manpower and material resources. This is what the guidance company is best at, and the revival meeting is mainly included in the guidance company personnel to enter. "
    Tian Jue leng a immediately thought of something.
    Xin Qiji also froze for a moment and seemed to notice something.
    However, most people don’t notice that Su Yonglin is a little anxious to watch Su Yonglin digress the topic further and further.
    They came to the meeting not for this revival meeting, but for him.
    Although it sounds quite unusual for this revival meeting, Su Yonglin is personally responsible for it, and a large number of guidance staff will be included.
    The guidance department is a special army, which is responsible for guiding soldiers’ cultural study and ideological study. It is the only way for recruits to become soldiers of the Guangfu Army.
    After the guidance and education of the guidance department, the soldiers not only made a breakthrough in culture, but also tended to Su Yonglin and the Guangfu Army to train Jin Ting Nai and Song Ting very seriously.
    But it’s not entirely true if we just say that they are soldiers and teachers in the army.
    They have a great influence in the army, and when they are not fighting, officers should follow them in class and study together.
    Outside the army, it is said that the place where the military families live is that the instructors of the guidance department are responsible for managing their villages, and the guidance department of the farmers’ association is under the jurisdiction of the instructors, and they enter the bridge between the vice president of Zhongdan Guangfu Army and the people.
    The grain department, an important institution responsible for collecting taxes and maintaining the recovery of the army, contacted the farmers’ association through the guidance department to handle tax collection matters.
    Military and civilian guidance departments and instructors have great influence and sense.
    It is said that there is nothing real, that is, there is no mastery of soldiers or politics or wealth, but it seems that they can be seen everywhere. Without them, it seems that nothing can be completed smoothly.
    It is only natural that a large number of instructors from the guidance department are needed to help manage the river.
    But Su Yonglin suddenly called everyone to talk about this matter?
    Yes, you said that you want to set up a new department to take charge of river management?
    It seems that Su Yonglin really said this thing, but he didn’t say that his thing was to tell everyone to pay attention to cooperating with the Fuxing Trade Union, so he planned to declare the meeting closed.
    So Su Yong, this Han Hanshi can’t stand it, just get up and cut to the chase.
    "A Lang that qidan people when the emperor thing you’d give a word!"
    Su Yonglin looked at Su Yong strangely. "What do you mean? What do you want me to say? "
    "This …"
    Su Yong opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say, and others at the scene didn’t know what to say. At that time, the whole scene was extremely embarrassing
    Su Yonglin was silent for a while and smiled.
    "Oh, I see you. I called you here to discuss the matter of claiming the emperor with you?"
    Chapter 357 Replace Confucius and Mencius disciples
    When this sentence came out, the scene was awkward and became extremely tense.
    A group of people stared at Su Yonglin with a uniform and nervous expression.
    They are all waiting for Su Yonglin to say that sentence.
    Then Su Yonglin spoke slowly.
    "Don’t take me with him if he wants to die."

  • A few days later, the Soviet army was overjoyed to shoot down many turboprop fighters of the Chinese army. It was painfully discovered that in just a few days, the Chinese army made up for the lost turboprop fighters. Nanfei, Feifei, Chengfei and Xifei all produced these cheap and fierce fighters day and night. A plane was assembled, filled with oil and flew directly to the front to participate in the war. Even debugging was completed. During the war, everything was simplified, the powerful industrial base, the feared pilots and several private dedicated technical workers turned the turboprop fighter troops into an unbreakable force and dragged the Soviet army into the swamp of war of attrition.

    Liu Weiping can imagine the speed without going to the front line and closing his eyes. Compared with jet fighters, it is like a snail crawling pilots. The turboprop fighter troops have experienced many battles, and the Soviet defense forces will face a fierce battle. For him, sending a large number of pilots to the front line is a torture to his mind, but he has no choice but to defend Beijing. This price must be paid, and as the war heats up, the price they will pay will become more and more heavy. They have no time to think about a bad news.
    Luanxian was heavily bombed by the Soviet Union!
    At the beginning of the war, the pioneer railgun slammed the military base of the strategic long-range bomber landing in the Ural Mountains. However, the main strike force of the pioneer railgun came to destroy trans-siberian railway. It is impossible to destroy all the military bases that can take off and land bombers. The requirements for the runway are relatively low. Therefore, fortunately, more than 40 Tu -16 bombers bombed the ground by the Soviet Union. The carpet bombing of Luanxian County was carried out by putting in man-machine to trick the Chinese defense forces into firing and then gliding gas burning. The bomb destroyed the defensive position and then threw a 500-kilogram incendiary bomb at Luanxian industrial zone, which turned the whole Luanxian county into a sea of fire. The whole bombing process was interlocking, showing excellent bombing ability and team understanding. The defenders of Luanxian county were red-eyed, manipulating anti-missile and anti-aircraft guns, roaring and falling bombs into the sky, and then shooting down seven Tu-16s by connecting lines. However, after the tons of bombs crashed into the famous Kailuan coal mine area, these tenacious defense forces also had to retreat. The Soviet troops also moved with frozen gasoline. The sky fire fell from the sky, ignited the open-air coal discharge and ignited every mine. The whole Kailuan coal mine instantly turned into a sea of fire, and the shock wave and strong wind blew the burning coal all over the sky. Where did it fall and where did it burn? From the rescue, Kailuan became a mythical flaming mountain, and everything was swallowed up by the flames. The flaming fire and suffocating smoke were mixed, and the smoke column rushed up to a height of 1,000 meters. The temperature in the center of the flame was enough to burn the tank into iron juice, and the smoke was torn by the explosion light from time to time. The explosion made the sky become morbid and the horribleThe West Railway also told Tangshan that the army, civilians and Soviet troops were not far away from them.
    This kind of fire is almost extinguished by law. Once it is ignited, it will never be extinguished unless everything can be burned out. The smoke is suffocating. The poisonous gas has turned Luanxian County into purgatory shortly after it came out of the shadow of the earthquake. At the same time, a spoonful of oil has been added to the great anger of the Republic to make this anger even more violent. The method has been used to control the four thousand-meter-long runways in the western Ural Mountains. Not a stone has been left. Over the past ten hours, the Soviet Union has continuously launched cloud-making rockets, and a large number of chemicals have volatilized. The clouds keep expanding and getting heavier, and the military base hides the prying eyes from the outside. More than half of the 26 satellites launched by the Chinese military pioneer railgun have entered the sun-synchronous orbit, staring at the Soviet Union, but it is the law that this large military base will be destroyed.
    The lights will make the base shine as bright as day. More than 30 pictures -223 and four wings are all dark, which makes people confused where the wings are and where the fuselage-shaped strange bombers stopped at the runway. This bombing of the Soviet Far East strategic bomber unit can be said to have even been exhausted. After listening to the war briefing, each pilot handed over a treasure to the commander-this is probably the last time they carried out the whole base. The tragic atmosphere enveloped the despicable Chinese army, which destroyed the railway and the strategic long-range bomber landing and landing military base at the first moment of the war, making the northeast and north China war troops lose strong tactical support and fall into a bitter struggle. They must make efforts to give China a fatal blow and reduce the pressure on the army, even if they pay a heavy price, they must bear it!
    "Is it true that all the Bolsheviks in the world like to do things that they can’t do if they know their roots?"
    Watching the Soviet pilot silently board the bomber, Lieutenant Van Frith from Ohio gave a mocking smile and said to the captain in low English.
    The captain’s face sank like water and said, "Shut up! Do you know what they are going to do! ?”
    Little Van Frith said, "What’s the big deal about bombing Xichang, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, rail gun launch base and strategic laser launch base?"
    The captain snorted. "You didn’t talk to those yellow-skinned demons and didn’t know they were awesome! They have played the laser to the pinnacle, and when the green light flashes thousands of kilometers away, your fighter plane will be scratched and disintegrated. If you are unlucky, you will be directly hit in the cockpit, and the whole person will vaporize and even scream! "
    Little Van Frith is still full of people who feel that their throats are tight and their fists itch. "That’s because they didn’t touch our b-2 strategic bomber! This time, they can finally kill each other. I guarantee that they will find that the target they want to defend has turned into a sea of fire without knowing where the attack came from! "
    The captain can’t communicate with each other through three different views. Let’s take a sigh and save some saliva. This bear boy has only been in the army for three years, and his training performance is excellent. He is especially good at manipulating those extremely complex aircraft. Therefore, he gloriously joined the secret b-2 strategic bomber unit to become an ace pilot. This little talent is too proud. Sometimes the captain is looking forward to the enemy cleaning up this little thing several times to get rid of his pride! Take this time, for example. It’s definitely a narrow escape to bomb multiple strategic targets in China, but he doesn’t take it seriously!
    "Who the hell have I offended? Kick me to the Soviet Union to carry out this extremely dangerous situation, and even then give me a thorn in my side!" The captain silently greeted the female mother of the military high-ranking family. It is their business that the Soviets like to kill the blood with China. Let’s just watch the movie. Why should we intervene? It’s just idle! However, when his eyes touched the dark fuselage of the b-2 strategic bomber, he knew that he shouldn’t. He still lit a fire in his heart and made his blood boil all over.
    B-2′ s stealth performance is so excellent that the reflection area of such a large plane is only equivalent to that of most modern anti-radar systems. In front of it, it is blind to go deep into the hinterland of the enemy country, and it is not a problem to destroy several strategic targets with such excellent stealth performance. Don’t blow up a strategic goal, he has become famous in one fell swoop, and none of them can get away with promotion, salary increase and medal!
    God bless me, bless me, make great achievements, and bless me to come back safely!
    A group of four long-range bombers flying like huge iron arrows into the night on the runway -223. The overwhelming momentum is staggering and arrogant, such as Xiao Van Frith’s face slightly changed to show shock. It’s a fair evaluation. "The Soviet Union is worthy of being our only opponent, no matter which aspect we compare, we don’t fall in the wind … but their plane is too bad! Figure -22 Are they so short of money when they are still old in the sixties? "
    The captain’s mouth is so cheap that his hand can’t love to spray it, so let him spray it. Anyway, it’s not him who angered the Soviets and got beaten! But Xiao Van Frith is right. Tu -22 is an antique. Well, history is as good as b-52. It seems that the speed of upgrading Soviet strategic bomber units is not so good!
    The captain and Van Frith didn’t know that the Soviet strategic bomber force didn’t have more advanced strategic bombers, but they didn’t take them out for various reasons. Soon they would see that the Soviet cutting-edge bombers were powerful, but by then they were no longer allies but enemies. It was amazing that the political situation was changing.
    B-2 stealth strategic bombers also began to take off. The take-off movement was far less magnificent than that of Tu -223, but it was a little more strange. The commander and ground crew of the Soviet Union base silently watched the four strange bombers rise and look complicated, while the radar soldiers and commanders in the control tower were extremely pale.
    The radar reflection area of this strange bomber is actually a little bigger! The Soviet Union used the most advanced anti-radar to track them, and soon the signal disappeared from the radar screen.
    What does this mean?
    This means that the Soviet Union seems to be tightly guarded against the net. This strange bomber is useless in front of it. This bomber can come and go whenever he wants. Unless it is bombed, the Soviet National Defense Forces will not know that their leader has been invaded!
    This kind of people who may be stripped of their underpants in public at any time is really uncomfortable!
    The base commander was silent for a long time and said in a low voice, "We must also make our own stealth strategic bombers and have countermeasures, otherwise it will be too passive!"
    It is impossible for airplanes and people to fly for a long time and at an ultra-low altitude, even with the most advanced long-range early warning radar, it is difficult to find them from a distance, thus avoiding the danger of being bombarded by laser cannons.
    The wings, mountains, rivers, jungles and lakes are all shrouded in heavy darkness, and everything is pulled back quickly, which makes the double-headed eagle pilots who want to see the magnificent scenery of Siberia a little disappointed, but they’d better cheer up. They are not here for sightseeing!
    After more than two hours, a large area appeared on the ground, and the lights were spectacular. It was a mechanized unit moving, and all the pilots were refreshed. They were close to the battlefield!
    "All units pay attention to maintaining a height of 102 fighters and maintaining a distance of 30 kilometers. Be careful of the Chinese military’s missile defense!"
    The commander’s voice in the line channel is as cold and hard as a rock, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable. All Tu -223 reduces the altitude again, and the speed of the current anti-missile is generally higher than Mach 4. Pilots dare not drive Tu -22 to have a life-and-death race with the anti-missile again! There were four B-2s that kept their original altitude and flew to the target in no hurry, but the Chinese military radar never found them bon voyage. The Soviet pilots were envious or envious.
    "My God!"
    When the bomber passed by Almaty, Xiao Van Frith finally gave a surprise. He was shocked to see that the sky here had been torn to pieces by the God of War. The red steel waterfalls were rushing back and forth. The black and red steel lotus on the ground crashed and burst, shooting deadly flames and shrapnel rockets, rolling everything into a sea of fire, leaving craters and flowing molten iron. Anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft guns swept out hundreds of dazzling streamers in the night of the bullet … Almaty may have been hit by ballistic missiles. I won a ball of flat mushrooms the size of a basketball court and rolled into the sky. The house collapsed like a deck of cards, and the walls rolled and flew half the city in flames! This chick, who had not seen that cruelty of war, was transfixed and muttered, "The Chinese army must have moved tactical nuclear weapons, right? Otherwise, where is this terrible power? "
    Soviet pilots didn’t bypass the battlefield by slightly raising the altitude and accelerating the speed of sound twice at the same time. The core of this attack was concealment. They didn’t want to get involved in the battlefield and attract a large group of anti-missile missiles! Fortunately, the melee lasted for 24 hours, and a large number of Chinese defense radars were destroyed. There were a lot of loopholes in the defense network, which made the Chinese defense forces slow to respond. When they fired half a shell or two missiles, the enemy planes lost their way. In the battlefield of b-2, this cargo is like their back garden. No one can stand them.
    The border line of Kazakhstan was left behind, and the Xinjiang wing launched the attack. The target is very close to them. There is a saying in the south of the Serbian River that Ili flashed from the side. Figure -223 broke away from the large formation and rushed to the Karamay oil field. This backfire climbed at a terrible speed of several kilometers per minute, opened the afterburner sonic boom and flashed in the center of the fuselage to form an irregular round white vortex. The spectacular target is very close. This figure -223 no longer needs to carefully hide its whereabouts. In the anti-cloud warning, the pilot cursed "Go to hell!" Press the button hard. The as-6 surface-to-surface missile has already been warmed up, and it is immediately activated by the command. It is ignited from the pylon and flies straight to the target 400 kilometers away! Huge bombers chase missiles to the oil field at twice the speed of sound. Sixteen As-6s are extra gifts for the backfire bomber fleet to Karamay oil field. The whole 69 250-kilogram aerobombs or fab-15 blockbusters in the bomb storage cabin are the dinner. These bombs will sneak the Soviet troops into Karamay oil field in advance, guide the special forces to fly to various key positions in the oil field, and blow up the whole oil field into a sea of fire, destroy the fuel base in the northwest war zone, and at the same time cover the main fleet. Even if the picture -223 is put together, it will be worthwhile to achieve this goal!
    However, just after climbing to 6,000 meters high, the Chinese army began to fight back. A figure -223 left wing was nailed to the sky, and the left wing was slowly splashed across Mars. The wing root of the left wing was cut out, and the huge air resistance brought by flying at twice the speed of sound was mercilessly torn off. The unlucky bomber immediately lost its balance and tumbled to the ground. A cloud of smoke and fire with a diameter of 1,000 meters was deafening. The explosion was heard dozens of kilometers away!
    This is just the beginning, and the whole formation has not reacted yet. The green light flashes again, and Mars splashes, cutting the tail of a Tu -223 like butter. The high airflow gently pulls the tail apart for two seconds, and then the late explosion turns the whole bomber into a huge fire phoenix. Tens of thousands of fireballs are thrown from it and a meteor shower is sprinkled.
    In an instant, two pilots lost their pupillary constriction. Although they knew the danger of this bombing, the terrible power was beyond the imagination of all pilots when the Chinese military defense system was activated! To make matters worse, the radar shows that more than a dozen fighters are swooping towards them 100 kilometers away, and the speed and altitude are not lost to Tu -223, which is the highest and fastest fighter in the Republic of China!
    The formation commander has a headache. Tu -223 is of course so powerful that many anti-missile missiles can’t catch up with it, but it is a bomber after all, and it has achieved bombing concealment. They have no fighter escort-in fact, after Su -27 withdrew from the battlefield, no fighter in the Soviet front-line air force can support these voyages, even if the bomber escort is 7,000 kilometers or even 10,000 kilometers. Who makes MiG fighters famous for their short legs? Without fighter escort, if Chinese fighters bite them, they will die! The commander gritted his teeth and ordered, "reduce the flying height. The flying height at high subsonic speed should not exceed one kilometer!"
    There is also this method. Everyone knows that the low performance of the J-10 is always bad, so it is difficult to control it, and reducing the flying height can also avoid the strategic laser attack of the Chinese army. There are many benefits. After being killed, five planes rushed to disappear from the J-10 radar screen.
    The terrible light of death did not follow.
    However, before they could catch their breath, the Soviet pilots were horrified to see the salamanders shining on the ground dozens of kilometers away. The fist was a little bigger, and the purple ball was swept towards them at a speed of more than a dozen Mach. In a flash, the red bullet marks cut the sky to pieces and stuffed every pilot’s vision!
    "Anti-aircraft guns how to play so far! ?”
    This is the last question that flashed through the Soviet pilot’s mind. In a second, Tu -223 was wrapped in a huge net woven by fire, dancing in the rain, and the broken fragments splashed as if torn to pieces.
    A few tens of seconds later, the Karamay oil field exploded and roared, and the black fire went straight into the sky. The crude oil with fire spewed out from the hit well, spewing out a few tens of meters high as if magma were spewing out from the depths of the earth’s crust. Three of the 16 as-6 ground-to-ground missiles broke through the heavy interception and hit three oil wells, causing a raging fire. However, to the disappointment of the Soviet Union, they hoped to destroy the refinery most, but flew to the refinery. Six missiles were swept out of the wall by a metal storm gun and smashed.
    "The Storm Brigade successfully attracted the attention of the Chinese army!"
    Strinka’s school was as heavy as water, and the Chinese army reacted quickly beyond his expectation. Unless there was a miracle, he was afraid that he would never see the Tu -223 again. He gritted his teeth and reached the order to attack the Chinese army’s rail gun base.
    The deadly green light kept sweeping. Figure -223 opened a terrible gap. The high-speed horse tore the gap and surged in, pulling everything away. Figure -223 was planted one after another and lost its straight rise. However, Strinka and his comrades were not afraid to jump straight at their respective targets. as-6 ground-to-ground missiles dragged dazzling tail flames across the sky. This night added a bit of beauty and horror, while a large cloud of smoke on the ground was sprayed at the red flag, and the anti-missile crashed out and shot at the high school bomber like a javelin. Anti-aircraft guns fired a series of dense tracer bullets as if they were flying from the earth to the moon like a meteor shower, making the evening makeup more magnificent than when they exploded in groups. Even the most spectacular fireworks show was dwarfed. Figure -223 The explosion shock wave of the huge fuselage shook and bumped, and the small shrapnel tinkled the fuselage. That scene was really thrilling!
    The crew members of the four b-2 bombers were frightened by such dense fire protection. Even Xiao Van Frith’s counterparts were pale and speechless. So far, they have not been attacked. The stealth performance of the B-2 is really not covered. Even the most advanced anti-radar can hardly find it. Unless it happens to be hit by a string of anti-aircraft artillery shells, the sky is open to them! However, it seems that the situation is a bit bad. Many fighters of the Chinese army are outflanking this area wave after wave, just to kill the viper iii, making a hair-raising scream, sweeping across the sky with fire light and heading straight for Figure -223. The road is winding and the fire obliquely rushes to the sky, and the tail flame of the anti-missile is intertwined into a tight encirclement. No matter where Figure -223 escapes, there will always be a missile tunnel. Welcome to flash across the strategic laser and the elusive high. We have been pawned! "
    A huge explosion roar interrupted him, and his fighter plane was directly hit by an viper iii, which almost exploded in two.
    "We’ve been tricked!"
    "We have been betrayed!"
    "Who betrayed us! ?”
    A mournful and angry roar came one after another, and the rumbling explosion became the Soviet Far East strategic bomber division. The Chinese army had almost no gap in fire attack. Figure -223 was shot down from parry to parry, and the elite of the Soviet bomber unit was bloody.
    Little Van Frith’s lips trembled and he whispered, "Maybe we should get out of here! Too dangerous! "
    The captain said, "No! We are destroying the Chinese military strategic laser and Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, which are too threatening to our satellites and space shuttles! "
    Little Van Fritt pointed out, "This is not our war. Why should we work for the Soviets? I don’t want to die yet! " The horror scene of flying debris from the explosion of fighter planes scared the elite pilot with his eyes above his head. He lost his pride when he was on the ground. Maybe he didn’t know until now that the war and the battlefield he imagined were two different things. Even the most advanced fighter planes would eventually be shot down!
    The captain said, "That’s an order!"
    Little Van Frith said angrily, "Fuck the orders! If it is to defend the United States, even if I pee my pants, I will bite the bullet and crash into the enemy with people and planes. But this is a Soviet-Chinese war! We don’t have to bleed for the Soviets! " As he spoke, he steered the fighter plane and flew away. The captain made the prick angry enough and pulled out a self-defense pistol. He tried to hold his head and force him to correct his course, but he hesitated again and again. Maybe this idiot was right. It was a Soviet war. They didn’t need to go deep into China for the Soviets and see the power of China’s national defense forces. It was already a big gain for them. There was no need to risk being shot down and continue to destroy the strategic goal that didn’t pose a threat to the United States so far. We love peace very much!
    Obviously, peace-loving b-2 is not the only one. The other three planes have turned around and started to run away. It may be dangerous to go further, but it is not difficult to return to the original road! Desperate assault enemy mutually assured destruction? Are you kidding? That’s what Chinese people, Japanese people and Koreans do with intelligence only equivalent to microbial level!
    Dadada dadada-
    The machine gun strafed and roared, and a warning sounded. A b-2 bomber suddenly appeared hundreds of meters in front of it. A fighter plane with a dark body and a night-integrated body, and the single-tube rotating chamber machine gun sprayed two meters of flaming shells and lined up a lightsaber with a length of hundreds of meters to swing at the ghostly bomber! Almost at the same time, the other three b-2 bombers came up with the same fighter plane, machine gun and barrel, spinning wildly, and swept over like a fire!
    They’ve been discovered!
    The pilot, who was busy running for his life, suddenly froze like a petrified spell, where consternation and confusion overwhelmed the fear of death. Everyone’s brain was rumbling and there was only one thought left. How is that possible! Even NATO and the Soviet Union’s most advanced anti-radar methods can find out how our Chinese army can find us!
    No matter how hard it is to believe that the broken shells can’t be fake, all armor-piercing shells rained down on the b-2 fuselage, which was three or four times more expensive than the same weight. The fragments of the fuselage splashed out of the fire and then burst into flames, which made every crew member’s face pale-until now, their radar screens were clean and there was no enemy signal!
    This time the ghost really met a ghost!
    Two hours later.
    Assistant Special Ann stormed into the White House Oval Office with two feet in the wind, and some gaffes drove all the people who were discussing the situation in Asia out of the door, saying in a low voice, "Mr. President, I’m sorry to have to bring you bad news."
    The president looked up and joked, "Was there a tsunami on the west coast or did the Soviet Union launch a nuclear bomb at China?"? Go ahead, my heart can bear it. "
    The special assistant’s voice was even lower. "The Soviet Union told us an hour ago that the desert storm plan had failed. We and the Soviet bombers broke into a trap carefully arranged by the Chinese and almost lost the army!"
    The president gave a slight shock and asked, "What’s the loss?"
    Special Assistant An said, "It was a disaster … 32 Tu -223 long-range bombers from the Soviet Union were shot down, and 26 strategic bombers from the Soviet Far East Military Region were completely disabled …"
    The president said, "I asked if it was our loss!"
    Special security assistant is awkward.
    The president’s heart is inexplicably tight. "To tell the truth, what do we lose?"
    Assistant special security said, "It’s worse than the Soviets. Four B-2s were shot down!"
    The pencil in the president’s hand was pinched off. He threw it away angrily and jumped up and roared, "This is impossible! The generals have repeatedly assured me that the b-2 will never be found, let alone shot down. Even our radar can’t find it. The situation is China’s national defense system! Are you sure those four bombers were really shot down and not the Soviets? "
    Special Assistant Ann said, "Make sure that both Lockheed Martin and Novoros have confirmed this bad news …… they can’t believe it!"

  • "After all, there will be consequences in the future, unless you prove it, you will eventually be seated." After that, the white messenger suddenly hit the ferocity and made a bloody meal, and then took the opportunity to accept the sad stick and disappeared in the black hole.

    "It’s hateful to be left by him." Looking at the shrinking black hole, The Hunger converged and a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.
    "go? Can’t walk, "Jade Duxiu stepped forward, and the star trajectory in his hand filled the air and instantly hit the black hole, and the pieces of Wei Li penetrated the black hole and bombarded the white messenger in the channel.
    "bang!" The black hole vibrates, and the black hole is expanding instantly. Looking at the dark hole, I heard a scream from the black hole, "Wonderful show, let’s not end with you. The ghost will not let you go. You wait for the ghost to retaliate."
    The sound fades away, and the jade shows no change of color. The hole of the black hole is distorted in the whole body. An ancient quasi-fairy walks out of the void and enters the black hole in an instant, and goes after the white messenger.
    "This is?" While The Hunger looked at the barren ancient Zhunxian and felt each other’s eyebrows pick after the ancient vicissitudes of life.
    "Being an old guy" Jade Duxiu looked at the black hole with his hands and eyes.
    "Are you channelized guy? Isn’t it dead to be channelized by you? How can I still come out? " The Hunger eyes flashed a indecision.
    "Who said that they were dead, but they just lost some freedom because of one more master? They have to be given seats, and they can reappear at any time." Jade Duxiu quietly glanced at The Hunger.
    After listening to Jade Duxiu, The Hunger suddenly shivered and looked at Jade Duxiu with horror. "Isn’t that … you …"
    The Hunger saw Yu Duxiu for half a day, but after all, the words were not finished.
    "Why do you have to kill the Black and White Messenger?" Jade Duxiu looked at The Hunger "and we don’t seem to deal with this black and white messenger."
    "The nether world is complicated. It’s hard to make it clear that this black-and-white messenger Yangshi has been searching for spirit of war for so long, but it’s against the agreement of the strong in the nether world. If it falls into our hands, it’s something black and white often won’t leave something for us."
    "What now?" Yu Duxiu looked at The Hunger. "Although he defeated Black and White, he left no evidence."
    "Trouble, we seem to be involved in a big picture. The nether world appears rashly. Yangshi must have a great struggle. The nether world is unwilling to want a piece of it. Maybe this cause and effect will fall on us in the future." The Hunger woebegone.
    Jade Duxiu’s smell speech is nothing to do with this nether world, which means that he can’t get through. If he wants to realize this oath, he must touch the pattern in the nether world, and he has long been in opposition to the nether world.
    "I don’t want to cross the bridge when I come to it. It’s important to seal the gods’ war. I will never be afraid of the world again." Jade Duxiu gave me a confident smile at the corner of her mouth.
    "Oh?" See jade Duxiu said so betting that The Hunger is very curious. "I have reached the last step of Xiandao difficult bodhi old zu, but I still dare not say Xianlu can expect you to dare to talk wildly when you have something small."
    Jade Duxiu heard the words and sneered at "We are different"
    Just then, I heard "bang", a nether world channel instantly exploding and disappearing.
    "Huh?" Jade Duxiu eyebrows a wrinkly front virtual turmoil that barren ancient Zhun fairy appeared in front of Jade Duxiu "the nether world met an acquaintance and was turned back"
    "Interesting" looking at the quasi-fairy slowly disappearing into the palm of your hand, Gan Kun Yu Duxiu carried his hands and his eyes flashed with curiosity.
    "The nether world is deep, except for the godfather, the quasi-immortal strong will never step into the nether world unless it is really unnecessary." The Hunger sighed.
    “?” Jade Duxiu looked at the fairy.
    "You’ll know when you get your certificate." After that, you will see that The Hunger’s instantaneous innate immortal light has plunged into the sea of blood, constantly absorbing the blood of the battlefield. "You should leave quickly to disturb the bodhi old zu. This is the bodhi old zu’s leap into the dragon’s gate. One step is to make the bodhi old zu’s blood sea complete. Even if you don’t get your certificate, you can teach your ancestors to break your wrists. You should leave quickly and don’t attract others’ attention."
    Looking at the The Hunger bodhi old zu Yu Duxiu with a slight sigh and shook his head, "It’s getting more and more interesting. I didn’t expect that even the nether world would come out and get a piece of it."
    Suddenly Yu Duxiu thought of a very serious question, "Is there a great struggle in the world of the underworld at the same time?"
    Chapter 1237 Causality gourd limit causality
    Is there a great struggle between the netherworld and the netherworld?
    This problem is very important and must be clarified.
    Jade Duxiu’s eyes glistened in front of the altar, and he could not enter the nether world now, but he was in a passive state when he didn’t know what was going on in the nether world.
    "Zhou Yi" Jade Duxiu touches the bar "Do you want to plot against Zhou Yi, but there is no direct conflict? I will inevitably plot against the ancestors. This old guy holds the destiny and is even difficult to deal with."
    Jade Duxiu touched the bar, and now the wild invasion dragon fought a decisive battle in Taidao Tai Su Road, and there were more rivers and gods in chaos, and nine gates suffered heavy losses. At this time, the goal of Jade Duxiu was achieved.